↓ Transcript
Dee: How often can you visit her? What else will you do? You can't just materialise whenever, you'll have your life to get back to.
Emily: I dunno, it's not like I have other things I really need to be doing right now.
Dee: So, what, you'll just hang out, and... your mere presence will be a magic bullet for something you couldn't fix previously?
Emily: She was better though, wasn't she? At least she's not afraid of me!
Dee: !! You DO think it's my fault!
Emily: NO! But I think there could be stuff I can do that you can't! TAKE ME BACK!
Dee: I just don't think that's a good idea!
Emily: Why not!? ... Why not? Is something happening on Earth? What's going on?
(Worried, she rushes to the bench-mounted telescope.)
No! Nothing like that! The Earth is fine!
Alt text: Noooooo Emily don't point a telescope directly at the sun... your so sexy aha