Emily: Yay!
Dee: How are they?
Emily: They’ve each joined SO MANY clubs at uni, and yet none in common!? How many clubs are there!?
(A stream of letters flying back and forth through space among rocks and stars, with snatches of incomplete text.)
Dear Olive, YEAH FOR REAL!! It’s so crazy, I can’t even describe the sensation
Dearest Emily, Missing you every day [obscured] My favourite lecturer [obscured] TTRPGs and it’s [obscured]
Dear Markus, That’s cool, I’d heard of DnD but not any of those others! Any we could do long distance?
Dear Zoe, I can’t BELIEVE you have time for all that!!! Do you [obscured]
Dear Em, It’s not that wild! Uni life [obscured] besides I’m now [obscured]
Dear Ella, Alan, Maddy, & Carmine, Hope you’re all well! The desolation out here is incredible
(Different day)
Emily: Zoe’s got a boyfriend!
Dee: Yeah!
Emily: Oh have you met him?
Dee: Nah she emailed me.
Emily: She’s printed me out a photo of him, look.
Dee: Ooh! Ok, what’s your verdict, do you think he’s handsome?
Emily: I guess? Kinda funny to send one where he’s wearing a hat and sunglasses, don’t you think?
Dee: I suppose so. Seems smiley though!