Emily: Hey Markus! Wanna be a test subject?
Markus: What's the experiment?
Emily: Optical illusion.
Markus: Uh, ok.
Emily: Disclaimer first - most people seem to get a bit dizzy from this. Often they get a mild headache.
Markus: OK.
Emily: And... do you have epilepsy?
Markus: No.
Emily: OK. Do you see the apple?
Markus: No.
Emily: Look really closely.
(Two rows of four panels; in the first row, four students (Markus, Iris, some guy, and Zoe) look where directed. In the second row they comment on their results.)
Markus: Huh! Yes!
Iris: Ok, how the hell are you doing that?
Some guy: I don't see anything.
Zoe: Oh! Ow.
(Emily stands with her clipboard and one of her earbuds is in her ear, the other in Dee's.)
Emily: Hey, can ask you something? What do you see when you look at my earbuds?
A different rando guy: Uh... they're... broken?
Emily: Look closely.
(Now Dee is holding up a couch.)
Emily: Hi! Can you see the couch?
Random girl: Yeah?
Emily: Oh? What's it doing? Anything odd?
Random girl: No...
Emily: Look closely.