Dee (pointing): Hey, Emily, somebody's in your spot.
Emily: Huh?
(A student is browsing the shelves where they sat previously.)
Emily (whispering): Oh well. It happens.
Dee: Where are we going?
Emily: Let's go walk about a bit.
(They leave the library. The sign on the building says 'LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICES'.)
Dee: This is a school, right? You come here to learn things?
Emily (no longer whispering): Um, yeah, basically.
Dee: What exactly do you learn here?
Emily: Um... we've got lots of subjects, I guess, like... science, and history, and English... maths...
Dee: Why do you learn this?
Emily: We have to. It's... I suppose it's for our future and to get a job and such.
Dee: Why don't you already know it?
Emily: That's a weird question.
Dee: Is it?
Alt text: no offence but why aren't you an expert at everything already