Markus: Hey, Emily! Are you going to the library?
Emily: ...
Markus: Well I am, so I’ll walk with you. I think you are. You usually do. You do have an imaginary friend, don’t you?
Emily: What’s it to you?
Markus: Nothing. I don’t mean to pry, it’s just... you know, rumours. Anyway, I’ve looked up imaginary friends. It’s not weird to have one. Most people have them, when they’re kids. I had one. Her name was Nevin. She was a giant cat, kinda like a panther. I dunno when she went away... ages ago, though. Anyway, what’s yours like?
Emily: I didn’t say I had one.
Markus: But I think you do. Who do you talk to?
Alt text: i don't mean to pry (continues to)