Emily: What do you mean?
Zoe: ...do you ever see his face? He kept his hood up the whole time I saw... maybe it was a different... one, not your friend, and...
Emily: What! No. Impossible. There's only one, and I'll see him this arvo, and his face.
Zoe: Oh! Well you'd know better than me, it was only a thought! Sorry. I just - got a really bad feeling from him, is all. But it doesn't seem like you do, so... I'm probably overreacting...
Emily: ... No! Could you tell me what kind of feeling? I believe you!
Zoe: Just... bad. Like - being near him... it was like I was on... on the chair again... if you know what I mean... When he carried me to your house... I can't believe I didn't throw up...
Emily: Huh! I'm really sorry! This is why he was reluctant to show himself to you. Apparently that's the normal reaction and I'm the weird one. But I always thought he was exaggerating. I should have warned you better! Sorry! But this is, uh, good to know...
Alt text: 'I felt weird... like I'd never be cheerful again...'