(Emily and Dee are listening to her ipod with one earbud each. Dee has his hood down.)
Dee:Gee, I like this sun on the face thing.
Emily: Hehe, yeah. Hey look, I’ve got nearly 30 songs on my ipod about dying. And two about girls called Emily.
Dee: I bet the ones about me are depressing.
Emily: Well, some are upbeat, in a depressing way... But the ones about Emily aren’t happy either, if that’s any consolation.
Carmine: Emily! Are you gonna get ready?
Emily: Oh! Yes, I forgot!
Dee: What’s happening?
Emily: It’s Halloween. I need to get some kind of costume ready because my cousins want me to go trick-or-treating with them.
Dee: What’s Halloween?
Carmine: Come ON! We’re all ready!
Emily: I know, I’m sorry... Haven’t even thought of a costume yet!
Maddy: Emily! What have you been doing?
Listening to my ipod – hey, I could go as an evil stepsister, I wouldn’t even have to dress up!
Maddy: Just stop being evil and get ready!
Alt text: how can you be so last minute about this? are you a goth or not??? poser